MESIS Receives ISO Certification for Learning Services Outside Formal Education

May 4, 2021
MESIS Receives ISO Certification for Learning Services Outside Formal Education

The Middle East Scientific Institute for Security (MESIS) has successfully fulfilled requirements for the ISO 29993:2017 certification for “Learning Services Outside Formal Education” for its training programs, including the Regional Radiation Detection Training Center (RDTC).

The ISO 29993:2017 is an internationally recognized standard for various elements of learning services including needs analysis, curriculum design and development, training delivery, and monitoring and evaluation. The objective of the certification is to improve the overall effectiveness and efficiency of the learning services and to enhance their credibility.

This certification marks an important milestone for MESIS in ensuring that their training services meet internationally recognized standards. It further emphasizes MESIS’ special position as a premier training provider supporting regional stability and security in the Middle East.

MESIS thanks the World Institute for Nuclear Security (WINS) for their support in achieving this goal, and the certifying authority, Lloyd’s Register.

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